Final Notes on the Home Study : Flexibility and a sense of humor are vital characteristics when raising children that come in handy during the home study as well. For
instance, if you have the flexibility in your job and are willing to take off an
hour early to meet with the social worker or to modify your schedule in some
other way to make the meeting arrangements flow smoothly, that effort will be
appreciated by the worker. As a parent-to-be, many more of these accommodations
are in your future; therefore the social
worker often believes you might as well start getting used to them! The duration of the home study will vary from agency to agency, depending on various factors, such as:
You can do a lot to expedite the process by filling out your paperwork, scheduling your medical appointments and gathering the required documents. The cost of the home study depends on which kind of agency or practitioner is conducting the study. A public agency (often your local Department of Social Services) does not usually charge a fee for a home study, since it is supported by government funds. However, occasionally a public agency may charge a modest home study fee; once you adopt one of the agency's children, you can usually obtain a reimbursement for this fee. A
private agency might charge from $1,000 to $2,500 for the homestudy, although it
may charge less or nothing at all for home studies for children with special
needs. For a non-special-needs child, the fee may cover an application fee and
pre-placement services, but be sure to confirm this.
locating a specific child and providing follow-up or post-placement services, you
will usually be charged a separate fee. These services could possibly be
performed by a second agency. Fees for these additional services could range
from $2,500 to $25,000. Many agencies allow the fees to be paid in installments.
Again be sure to discuss this thoroughly, so there are no misunderstandings. A
certified social worker in private practice often conducts home studies for
independent adoptions. Fees for these are
probably in the same range as those for private agencies. Independent
adoptions are not legal in all states. Remember,
even though an adoption home study may seem invasive or lengthy, it is conducted
to prepare you for adoption and help you decide whether adoption is really for
you. The regulations serve to protect the best interest of the
child and to ensure he or she is placed in a loving, caring, healthy, and safe
environment. Once you accept that premise, it often becomes a lot easier to
complete what is required of you. After all, the reward of withstanding a short
period of inconvenience is great: many years of happiness and fulfillment raising a child to maturity.
luck to you in your pursuit of a child through adoption and with your homestudy.
With perseverance and a good attitude, you will be able to team with the
adoption social worker to make this a valuable learning experience -- one that
will help you to do the best possible job in parenting the child who will join
your family. After all, the adoption worker wants you to accomplish your goal of
adopting, especially if one more child gets a, permanent, safe family.