Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Home Study
you're thinking about adopting a child, the words "home study" may
sound threatening. Current state laws require that before adopting, a person
must be approved by a child welfare authority. The home study is one stop along
the way. It is an evaluation of the would-be adopter's likely fitness as a
parent. A home study is bound to make any healthy, sane
person nervous. It feels like you're letting a stranger snoop around your home,
bank account and personal files. So, if you expect a home study in your future,
please accept these Parent Soup tips as a friendly reminder to set your gaze on
your goal: the family you want to become. Talk,
talk, talk............
agencies or social workers.
your facts.
about your life.
have to write your autobiography. Remember, child welfare is not looking for a
literary masterpiece. What they want is an idea of the type of parent you'll be,
how you were raised and what influenced your growing-up years. Tell the truth,
and keep it simple. You do not need to divulge every secret about your personal
life, but you can describe what makes you you. Get
a physical examination.
yourself for private questions.
the appointment.
Don't hang up.........give someone else a call
a friend.
up. Your
home does not have to sparkle, but you will
feel better if you're not tripping over dirty laundry while giving your social
worker the grand tour. Relax, Relax, Relax...........which will be a little hard, but you will be fine.............. You've already done the hard part: deciding that
adoption is right for you. If you still feel unsure, that's okay too. A home study is designed to clarify your issues,
and your social worker can help resolve them. Settle
comfortably into your family choice, and try to enjoy the remaining time before
your new addition arrives. TIP: Main reasons a person would not be able to adopt a child: recent criminal record, unstable marriage, life-threatening medical condition, chemical dependency, history of mental illness. TIP: If you
belong to an HMO or other health plan that takes a while to get a doctor apt.
for a physical, make the appointment now. You
think life is hectic now!?
Study Sample
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