Travel Information

Adoption Information Medical Information Travel Information


Each country within Africa, has a culture separate from any other that you will experience.

When it comes to traveling to any country within Africa, you the adoptive parent should become well aware of where your child comes from.  What language do they speak?   What type of foods do they eat? What type of weather do they live in?  All these questions should be asked by you.  These and other questions, will help you to enjoy your trip and also to pickup and maintain the child's heritage.  The sights and smells and the feel of the country will come later when you arrive. 

In the meantime you will need to know what to take with you on your journey to that far away place where your child is dwelling.  You will also need to prepare for the climate that you will stay in for the length of the overseas adoption.  I have provided for you links for this as well on the Resourceful tab on this site. 

Below I have comprised a small list of items that you should consider when planning to travel to  pickup your adoptive daughter or son.

Adoptive Parent List

bulletAny Prescription drugs for yourself
bulletTablets for (clearing) drinking water
bulletSmall First Aid Kit
bulletTake and extra pair of glasses or contacts
bulletMost Exchange companies carry all currencies but you may find it difficult to find local currency for some of the African Countries
bulletMake sure to take traveler cheques
bulletMight become handy to take some US currency
bulletJournal (this will be handy to jot down your experiences) Also will be useful for your child in later years to read about your experience and your first meeting
bulletPhotos of you and others that you love
bulletCamera or Video Camera (recording the initial moments of meeting your child will be a treasure)
bulletAdditional batteries
bulletAdditional film or tapes
bulletEuropean converter and battery charger
bulletAdditional Items
bulletCopies of your passport
bulletCopy of your itinerary (leave one at home for others in your family)
bulletComfortable shoes
bulletMoney belt
bulletSmall towels
bulletWet wipes
bulletToilet paper (1 or 2 rolls)
bulletTravel Alarm
bulletBug Repellent (hard to come by in Africa)
bulletZip lock bags

Adoptive Child List

bulletPlenty of Diapers (if the child is at that age)
bulletPlenty of clothes (due to spoilages)
bulletFormula in one pound cans
bulletbaby food
bulletpacifiers (several)
bulletTowels or Wet Wipes
bulletToys, toys, toys


Last but not least always think necessities over will not over pack when it comes to bringing your child the gifts that you have so thoughtfully acquired.

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