This is my story:
I am now at an age when I have accomplished all that I needed in life and at the same time, I really never felt fulfilled. There was something missing in my life and I just couldn't put a finger on it. Was it the love, smile and laughter of children? I did a lot of soul searching and knew that I had always wanted to adopt. But I did not know if being a single female, I could do this alone. I like so many other women in the world have come to realize that it might be too late for me to bear a child. I began to look into the possibility that I might adopt. I often thought that if I could forget about the idea, I would continue on with my work and life. All sorts of thoughts were going through my head, would I be able to continue to travel (enjoy my vacations), sit at a coffee house with friends, shopping, entertain and the list goes on. But that was not the case. At the same time that this was all going through my mind I was also thinking of the financial responsibility. Could I support a child by myself? With all these questions flowing in and out of my mind, I decided to do some investigation on my own. In..... comes the internet. What a wonderful tool for research. I must have spent one week going from site to site and finding the general information that I needed, but hardly anything on Africa. Most of the sites that I came across dealt mainly with International Adoption and their procedures. But how was I to get started if I needed to adopt in this foreign country that I chose. Well lucky enough, I came across many books one of which is, "Adopting on Your Own". This is a great reference for anyone wishing to adopt on their own or even if they just want information about International Adoption. While this in no way helped me with my dilemma of trying to locate someone to help me in Africa. I was determined to find someone or further information that would be needed to succeed in adopting in Africa. As a guide I have selected several websites that might be beneficial for information purposes and help you in your search for assistance:
Enjoy your search!
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